Research and Motion is enjoying a nice rally on the stock exchange.
And there’s lots of buzz for the new BB10 devices.
I hate to burst the bubble so soon, but RIM is absolutely, guaranteed not to live up to expectations, but that’s not because BB10 will necessarily be a failure, it’s because the company, and analysts and observers have set expectations way to high to meet.
When it comes down to it, BB10 is just an operating device for phones. Sure, its keyboard will be impressive. It will have a pretty cool camera and it will allow you to make mobile payments because it will have an NFC chip.
None of these will make the phone particularly stand out over Apple and Android devices. BB10 will fail where it counts the most, and that is in the app department.
It doesn’t matter how easily RIM is making it for developers to make programs for the platform, if they don’t see a way to make money, they won’t waste time developing the apps.
For you investors out there, especially the most clever ones that bought RIM stock when I said you should (although I wasn’t that brave). Perhaps this would be a good time to take advantage of a 13-month high and cash out.
RIM is guilty here of not properly managing expectations, and letting everyone believe the company’s entire future is based on the success of this phone/operating system. Perhaps I am wrong, and the company will once again rise to become the Number 1 smartphone seller. I think that’s a bit far fetched. I think the phone will sell well in markets where RIM is already strong. Here in North America, and in other places where Apple is King, don’t expect a huge uptick. The market seems to have forgotten RIM, and there doesn’t seem to be much space for companies that are not Apple or Samsung.
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